Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Joys of Country Life

It has been a busy couple of weeks.  We went to Collin's blessing in Elwood on June 3 and brought Cole and Kensi home with us for a few days.  Garden work and especially watering have been at the top of the activity list for a couple of weeks.  The drought has made it impossible to get enough water on the gardens to be of much help.  We had a short shower this morning while we were at church but you wouldn't know it now by the looks of the dirt.

Of special interest has been a nest of barn swallows that built above our porch door.  We didn't have the heart to knock down the nest and it has been so interesting to watch them this year.  We think there are 5 babies in the nest and they have developed quickly.  The mother flies constantly about, gathering insects from the air and feeding the hungry birds.  I'd think she'd fall into exhaustion as hard as she works.  The father keeps watch from a plant hanger in my flower bed and I suppose he helps with the feeding but I can't differentiate the mother from the father.  There doesn't seem to be the contrast between the male and female of most bird species in the swallows.

While Cole & Kensi were here, they seemed to enjoy cutting/pulling thistles from various parts of the yard.  That may have been the highlight of the visit for them.  George and Anna's kids were sick most of the week, so they weren't able to do much playing with cousins, but the last day they finally did get together for a few hours.

Hugh left yesterday after a 10-month MBA program at IPFW.  He was excited to rejoin his family.  The family will move to Kalamazoo shortly where he will study Econometrics.

Yesterday Amy invited us for a Father's Day early supper.  That was a wonderful treat.  Chuck's parents and Pat's family came.  Great dinner - great time with family!

Collin's Blessing

Cole and Kensi at Work


Hugh Finishes His MBA and Heads Out

The Barn Swallows

Father Keeping Watch
 Mother Feeding the Babies
 Father in Flight from His Post
Just 5 days after the first feeding picture - birds almost outgrowing the nest

Amy and Chuck tending to Collin after dinner at their place

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