Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Grandkid Saturday

The grandkids were here Saturday. Lots of activity but the most fun for them was piling into Harry's trailer full of dirt and digging to their hearts' content.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Project Finished

A hard day's work for Harry O, but the wall of the planting bed is finished.

Projects - Projects!

Harry has been hard at work around the place. He dug up 2 miniature lilacs that had overgrown beside the front of the house and planted them as key plantings along the new sidewalk. Today he is working on a brick wall for a flower bed on the back side of the new garage. He's become very goal-driven and makes his list in the early morning and goes at it. I try to do the same, but seem to get more distracted and trail off into something not on the list, but at least I'm getting more done that without a list.